Body Practices

Body Practices

  • Feeling your body sitting: feel feet on ground, lower body on chair, back on chair, upper body lifting straight up and down, imagine a string through the top of your head and head is floating above your body

  • Body scan with or without movement: notice feelings in your body, scan through and feel body parts from feet to head...body can be kept still or parts of body can be moved

  • Squeeze and release: go through squeezing and then releasing body parts from feet to head

  • Lemonade: squeeze feet, squeeze hands, squeeze shoulders upward, squeeze face, squeeze whole body

  • Tuning in to your body: notice where you feel different sensations in your body (relaxed, tight/tense, warm, cool, tired, awake, light, heavy, etc.)

  • Body Emotions Check In: notice what emotions you are feeling and where you are feeling these emotions in your body

  • Mindful movement: feel your body as you move through the practices of dance, yoga, tai chi, exercise, walking, running, sports, etc.

  • Circling body: circle feet & feel feet moving, circle hands & feel hands moving, circle neck & feel neck moving

  • Mountain pose: feel your body sitting/standing like a mountain, feet grounded into the earth/lower body into the chair to form the base of your mountain, upper body lifting up and strong like the body of your mountain, head touching the sky like the peak of your mountain, sit/stand strong and solid and present like a mountain

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